Thursday, October 12, 2017


The earliest I can remember of farming was a threshing time at our farm. I had to be pretty young, because I still vividly remember riding on a wagon full of oats being pulled by two horses. I also remember putting them in the barn. That’s all I can recall of that, but I do remember the tractor with the belt and pulley running the threshing machine.

As I sit here and think of the next few years where I still couldn’t drive a tractor, I only remember playing sometimes with ken and Wade (Friese).

Once I could drive a tractor, Dad first started me with dragging, then I graduated to the disc and then the plow. Harvest time always meant hauling “loads” and not operating the combine, picker or baler – at least when younger.

The meals and lunches always seemed better during harvest or baling time. That’s where my love of fried egg sandwiches started and continues to this day. It was always fun to have Pete, Wade, Floyd and all of us eat together.

You made great meals, Mom!!
It was always fun to eat dinners at Pete’s or Floyd’s places, too. Your friendships and helping each other farm (Dad, Pete and Floyd) made a big impression on me back then and I can appreciate it even more now. I remember the oyster/hotdog feed we would have every fall after harvest. I can still remember that every year Wade, Ken and I would be totally “stuffed.”

Back to farming –I remember trying to plow all the soil bank acres with Dad’s new tractor being pulled by the “B” John Deere. Did you ever help pull on the “B?” Of course I don’t know all that went on, but it seemed like Dad never demanded that you work in the field. I still respect him for that. I know that you were saddled with those damnable chickens.

Remember when we finally got hydrants to the buildings and didn’t have to carry water so far anymore? Carrying water from the windmill/tank way to the chicken house, especially through snow banks, was rough. How about all the brooder chicks when we still had them west of the barn… Moving them was interesting – shooing them all the way to the big hen house – hauling them down from all the trees where they were roosting – haling them down from the haystacks and oh yes, collecting all the new eggs from all the holes in the haystack. You always did a fabulous job with that part of the farm business. You did everything and made it a good business.

As I sit here now and think about it, I’m ashamed that I didn’t help you more. Shame on me because my excuse was that I was scared of chickens! You sent me one day to bring lunch to Dad in the east field. As I walked past the gas pump, I was attacked by a rooster. I fell on the ground and he got on top of me. That began my hatred of chickens.

Places we went:                            
·       Go to Lennox every Saturday night
·       Go to visit someone on Sunday afternoons
·       Go to quartet practices
·       Go to church two times Sunday plus Wednesday nites     
·       Go to Leo & Lucille Peterson’s for homemade ice cream
·       Go to Christmas play and Grandpa & Grandma Plucker for Christmas and New Year’s eves
·       Go to Chancellor Park for reunions

School Activities:
·       Ride bikes to District #84 (got rides from you most of the time – thanks!)
·       Only kid in my grade all eight years
·       An aunt who was my teacher in third grade (Vera Jean)
·       Christmas Plays with stage and curtains – gifts and lots to eat
·       Played softball a lot during recess or chased gophers
·       Lunchbox lunches – stuff to be warmed on the oil burner
·       Judy Andernacht – the only girl in school one year
·       Jan Del Folkerts and the infamous indoor port-a-potty!
·       Bucking snow banks. to get to school

Dealing with animals:
·       Keeping cows in barn in bad winters – hand watering – manure – bales of hay
·       Swatted with cow tails that’s been in the gutter – staying warm between cows
·       Cleaning calf pens – Yuk! – keeping the big round tank full of water
·       Staying up with a new litter of pigs being born
·       Pushing butcher pigs up the loading chute – trips to Morrell’s and the Hamburger Inn
·       Cleaning pig pens and feeding floor (the worst)
·       Feeding silage from the pile with a bushel basket
·       Why couldn’t we make that electric fence work?

Hi to all of you,
Dale's College Graduation
    Yikes, how could I forget Men's Chorus; it is the root of my life, almost. You are absolutely right - we took so much for granted in what we experienced and what we learned. Wow, what an education - even from Floyd!!! I hope you know how much I appreciate you guys and love you. I wouldn't trade brothers or sisters for anything. I hope we all can get together again soon. I miss you lots. Faye, of course you get special prayers. You are my inspiration!! Talk to you all later. 

Love, Dale

Men's Chorus, 1946


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