Wednesday, July 26, 2017


We were married in the old church. Dan and Frances DeVries were married in the church a year earlier. Because church weddings were not popular in those days and most weddings took place in the bride’s home or the pastor’s house, we were only the second couple to be married in the church. Rev. Wiert Eckhoff did the honors, assisted by my Uncle Rev. Jerry Thaden. One of the selections sung at our wedding by Dan and Frances DeVries was “Precious Lord, Take My Hand.” This has been our theme song through 48 years of marriage, and still is, for me. My brother, Bob, sang the Lord’s prayer; Uncle Bob Thaden sang “Oh Promise Me” and Cousin Marianne Thaden played the piano.

The reception was held across the lawn in the church hall (dining room). The church and hall were decorated with garden flowers and greenery. The wedding cake was special because it was made by my mother and her friend, Mattie Bossman. It boasted three tiers of angel food cake – no less – that had been beaten by hand by these two ladies. Remember, there was no electricity! Gifts were opened after the lunch of sandwiches and apple pie, thanks to my mother and Eddie’s sister, Marie Plucker. They made the pies.

We had a one-night honeymoon in a hotel in Sioux Falls. I don’t even remember the name.

We left for Sioux Falls in his coup, a two-door vehicle amid noisy tin cans, etc. tied to the car. I think we removed them after a few miles.

Then – back to reality – getting the rented vacant house west of the church livable. The sisters-in-law came and hung fresh wall paper and helped get our furniture moved in, etc. We had four cows and some 50 chickens given to us by our parents. We could buy groceries with the produce.


Wed In Country

          Church Sunday
   A pretty seven o’clock wedding ceremony took place in the Germantown Presbyterian Church “Sunday evening, May 19, when Miss Dorothy June Plucker and Edward DeVries repeated the marriage vows before a large number of invited guests. The Rev. Wiert Eckhoff read the double-ring nuptials, assisted by the Reverends Jerry and Clifford Thaden, uncles of the bride.
   Attending the couple were Misses Esther and Darleen DeVries, Pvt. Robert Plucker and Merlin DeVries. Duane Plucker was the ring-bearer and Jean Plucker, flower girl.
   The bride was attired in a white gown with full-length train and finger-tip veil. She carried a white Bible. The bridesmaids wore floor-length gowns.
   Before the ceremony, Miss Marianne Thaden, pianist, played the prelude, “Fantaisie” from Il Trovatore. Mr. & Mrs. Dan DeVries sang a duet, “Take my Hand Precious Lord.” A quartet composed of Arthur, Dan and Merlin DeVries and Bob Plucker also sang. Robert Thaden sang “Oh Promise Me” and Bob Plucker sang “The Lord’s Prayer” during the ceremony.
   A reception was held in the church parlors immediately following the ceremony where 180 guests were served.
   Mrs. DeVries is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. M.E.J. Plucker. She was graduated from Lennox High School in 1944 and has taught in a rural school near Chancellor for the past two years. The groom is the son of Mr. & Mrs. John DeVries of Chancellor.
   The newlyweds will make their home on a farm northwest of Lennox.

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